2020 Cricket Trading – Introduction

2020 Cricket Trading

Sergeant Aris-Introduces 2020 Cricket Trading

3rd May 2011

Hi Sergeants!

This is Sgt Aris and I will be reviewing a Cricket Trading System by Steve Davidson, called 2020 Cricket Trading. I believe it is good for you to know that i have no idea about cricket and only when i got this system for testing i searched and learned some basic things about it on Google. The good thing is that actually no knowledge about the game is necessary and also Cricket markets on Betfair are full of money and that makes the trading there very easy.

2020 Cricket Trading is a very easy to use system and has all the elements that a succesful system should have in my opinion. It comes in a 6 page pdf where everything look so clear and easy to understand that in 10 minutes you can start using this system without any doubts about it.

2020 Cricket Trading has the 3 basic parts that a good system should have like selection rules for choosing games, trading method for in play matches and staking plan to follow.

The selection rules for2020 Cricket Trading are simple enough and without the need of any other stats sites you can check everything from Betfair’s coupon page. The In Play trading strategy is also very easy to follow even for newbies in the exchange markets. Also it is easy to implement this trading strategy in a betting bot for auto trading because this Cricket game lasts 3 hours and that means if you don’t use a bot you will have to stay in front of the pc screen from 1 to 3 hours to check prices. The author suggest a 2500pts starting bank and this is also the same bank that uses in his live examples. But you can also use a small bank without any problem. It will only take you longer to build a bigger bank and have decent profits.

So what this system is promising is that in a few weeks you can have great profits if you start with a big bank(2500pts becomes more than 4000pts as it is mentioned) for £49.99 only. And if you dont want to stay for 3 hours on your pc you can get this system with an automated bot for £87 . The 45 match results as showcase for this system looks pretty amazing with only 8 games not won but here we are going to start a 56 days testing on this to see if it is really working!

[Click here to see 2020 Cricket Trading]


Sgt Aris

Sergeant Aris- Introduces 2020 Cricket Trading