AWesome Racing Day 1& 2

25th/26th March 2017

Visit AWesome Racing
Sgt Graduate – Reviews Awesome Racing Day 1 & 2



G’day Punters.

Before I get to the results,let’s talk about about the bank and the points.

Awesome Racing’s Capo aka The Sandman suggests a 250 point starting bank that you divide into a hundred for 1 point.

So I am going lay an imaginary £250 on the table and one point will equal £ 2.50.

I got an email at 9.57 am (which is a decent time) with 10 bets at 5 points each,which is the maximum bet The Sandman does,so he must have been confident.

5 points = £12.50 x 10 bets = £125 = HALF THE POT!

The Sandman gave particular sites for bets,but I have decided to use BETFAIR to keep things


I’m actually feeling nervous and I’m not using real money.

The Sandman says he’s got it covered.At the end of the day you divvy up your wins or losses and divide by a hundred to get the value of next days point.

When I started writing this all the results hadn’t come in,but it wasn’t looking good.

Now I’ve got the final results and it’s not been the best of days,to say the least.

We had 10 WIN bets out of which we have 1 WINNER.

At Wolverhampton 21.15 Tasaaboq won at 5/2 returning £43.75 profit of £31.25

So a final assessment of the day.

BETS TOTAL = £125.00

WINS = £ 43.75

LOSSES = £81.25

STARTING POT ( £250) – LOSSES (£81.25) = £168.25

So,following The Sandmans order,we will start the day with 1 betting point = £1.68p







 I hope you enjoy the review

Sgt Graduate Reviews AWesome Racing