AWesome Racing Day Weekend

April 8/9,2017

Visit AWesome Racing
The Graduate






Reviews Awesome Racing 13/14

So today is GRAND NATIONAL DAY or HOUSEWIVES CHOICE AKA an equine version of Death Race 2000

After studying the former diligently I picked 2 horses who promptly ejected their riders at the fence.

On the day I got a voucher with the Daily Mirror for a free two pound bet at PADDY POWER  and when I arrived at the bookies a lovely

young lady gave me another £2 voucher.

This time I picked two horses with my hand over my eyes and stuck pins on the board.Guess what? I got the first and the third.
Reviews Awesome Racing 12


Since yesterday The Sandman’s wallet has expanded slightly to £494.21  and we are betting with 1pt = £4.94

As usual Awesome is betting with the max of 5pts = £ 24.70

Here are the results…


15.10      Roman Brut               5/1     Bet 365      LOST

15.45      Eqtiraan                     9/4     Bet 365      LOST

4.15        War Glory                  5/1     Bet Fred     LOST

4.50        MONEYORYOURLIFE   6/4  Betfair      LOST

5.40        Dubai Horizon             1/1    Bet 365    WON


6.20        El Hombre                   13/2   Ladbrokes  LOST

6.50        Qatari Riyals               10/3   Bet Victor   WON

7.20        Hellovaqueen              10/1  Stan James  LOST

8.50       Go George Go              5/4   Stan James   LOST

9.20       Top Of The Bank          9/4   Betfair           LOST


Total Profit = £ 156.43

Starting Pot = £ 494.21

LOSS            = £ 197.60

Pot minus Loss = £ 296.61

+ PROFIT & RETURN =  £ 403.14

There were NO BETS on Sunday, so on Monday

1 point = £ 4.03

 I hope you enjoy the review

Sgt Graduate Reviews AWesome Racing