AWesome Racing Day 35

Visit AWesome Racing
The Graduate


Today’s bankroll stands at  £281.95

1pt = £2.81

All bets today are at 3pts = £8.43


7.10                         Accento                 8/1            Bet 365             LOST

7.40                        Noble Gift              7/2             Marathon         WON


8.30                        Data Protection     7/1             Bettered          LOST



So the rundown for today is…..


Bankroll (£281.95) – Outlay-3 bets at 3 points each (£25.29) + Winning bet Return & Profit (£37.94) = £294.60

So tomorrows bankroll = £294.60

1pt = 2.94

So a marginal profit is nothing to complain about.Onwards and Upwards…









































 I hope you enjoy the review

Sgt Graduate Reviews AWesome Racing