THE SECRET TIPSTER DAYS 94 – 95 – 96 – 97
16th April 2011
Hi everyone,
This 4 day period for The Secret Tipster gave us the following action:
Day 94 12/4/2011
Folk 4.00 Stargazy Stake 1 pt–Lost–BFSP 23.0 NO BET
Day 95 13/4/2011
Catt 3.10 Dotty Darroch Stake 1 pt–Lost–BFSP 6.0 +0.95 pts
South 5.15 Overlaw Stake 1 pt–Lost–BFSP 9.40 +0.95 pts
Kemp 6.00 Bubbly Braveheart Stake 1 pt–Won–BFSP 5.10 -4.10 pts
Day 96 14/4/2011
Chelt 3.20 Alasi Stake 2 pts–Lost–BFSP 5.90 +1.90 pts
Chelt 3.55 Frankie Anson Stake 2 pts–Lost–BFSP 12.72 NO BET
Day 97 15/4/2011
Wolv 2.30 Tamasou Stake 1 pt–Lost–BFSP 5.20 +0.95 pts
Ayr 3.25 Nikos Extra Stake 1 pt–Lost–BFSP 4.40 +0.95 pts
Brig 4.30 Prohibition Stake 1 pt–Lost–BFSP 10.60 NO BET
Wolv 4.45 Colonel Sherman Stake 1 pt-Lost–BFSP 13.0 NO BET
Newb 5.25 Epsom Salts Stake 1 pt–Lost–BFSP 10.0 NO BET
The return for this 4 day period is as follows:
Level Stakes of 1pt +0.65 pts
Staking Plan 1-4 pts +1.60 pts
That means our running banks look like this:
Level Stakes 138.44 pts -11.56 pts Starting Bank 150 pts
Staking Plan 312.40 pts +12.40 pts Starting Bank 300 pts
Admin Gordon