Golf Bet Profits – Final Review
Sgt John-Reviews Golf Bet Profits
Hello Everyone,
This review of Golf Bet Profits was originally planned for eight weeks but extended to 12 weeks, taking into account the services’ long-term prospects. I personally suggested a further week to include the US Masters tournament, which also included an ante-post bet sent out on Week One.
I have already established that golf is an incredibly difficult game to assess, which is exactly the difficulty the author of Golf Bet Profits seems to have had over this period of time. In the 13 weeks of testing, there were six which had some return, four which returned a profit and seven that had no returns. The success-rate certainly improved after Week 8, producing an overall profit of 34.17 points, but the first eight weeks had already lost 32 points which virtually nullified the good ‘second half’. The late inclusion of Nick Watney in Week 9, replacing the injured Bubba Watson, was an inspired move which made 30 points, but some selections did seem to suffer from ‘last-round blues’ as they spoiled good early positions through one reason or another.
Simon, the author, has the Golf Bet Profits site, on which he describes the history of his personal involvement in the sport, a list of 2010 successes and subscription details. The site falls under the umbrella of the BETFAN Services and Management site and there you can check tips and proofed results. I could not find any way of proofing results from 2010, however. The tips email always arrived in good time to place the bets and there was good response from the author and the BETFAN service team.
The tips for Golf Bet Profits came with the amount of points to bet on the selection, whether or not it was a win or each way bet, a brief explanation why each player had been selected in most cases, together with the current best odds and bookmaker. These always checked out and were available as the tips generally arrived two days in advance. The only anomaly I found was in Week Seven in the World Match Play when it was suggested that we would back a player in each group to win, hopefully get them to the semis when “we can start to back against them” because it was “better than backing them each way.” Having followed the games and prices meticulously I spotted an opportunity to do just that but, on enquiry, only received an explanation why it was not possible (due to the revised match times), not how starting to back against them would be achieved. I assumed a betting exchange would play a part but all four original bets (and every bet during the review) were using conventional bookmakers. I noted several occasions when an opportunity came to trade and hedge some players when they were lying just outside the place market, particular as some seemed to fail in the later rounds, but this would have only returned a few points compared with the possibility of larger returns on those doing well.
In all 66 bets were received, of these we had seven wins, 57 losers and two non-runners giving a strike-rate of 10.6%. The profit to one-point level stakes was 2.17 points. To join the service over this period you would have bought a three-month subscription costing £105 and, based on receiving the tips value of 163 using £1 a point, you would have to have made £268 to break even.
To cover the subscription fee you would have to stake £50 a point minimum, after deducting the £105 fee, leaving a profit of £3.50 and you would have had to stake £3,200 pounds to get that, an ROI of 0.11%. If you staked £100 it gets a bit better; you would have made £112 profit to £6,400 total stakes, which is 1.75% ROI. I consider that even having to stake sums like this it would still be too low a return to pass.
So in summary, despite the fact that the service made a very small profit, taking into account the subscription fees and the high level of stakes compared with the low ROI, there is no option but to fail Golf Bet Profits, based on its performance during this review.
I will continue to monitor the service throughout the season and give an update around once a month, which should give a better long-term view of the service, particularly as the high odds of some of the bets can change the overall profit/loss figure very quickly.
Best Regards
Sergeant John
[Click here to see Golf Bet Profits…]
Sgt John-Reviews Golf Bet Profits