2020 Cricket Trading – Day 19 and 20

30 May 2011

Hi Sergeants!

The IPL T20 is over and as i see there are plenty of games on english league that starts tomorrow. So far this system has lost more than 500pts from the 2500pts and i dont see how we are going to recover this loss. Anyway we are going to keep following and inform about this system.

*Please note that after a winning bet i dont mention betfair commission thats why you might see some strange calculations but at the end of the day the total bank is 100% correct.*

Starting Bank 2500pts

Bank after 18 days of testing: 2025.07pts

P/L: -474.93pts

2020 Cricket Trading – Day 19

May 27

1 selection 1 lost

Bangalore vs Mumbai

stake: 40.50pts

P/L at the end of the day -12pts

Total Bank at the end of the day 2013.07pts

2020 Cricket Trading – Day 20

May 28

1 selections 1 lost

Chennai vs Bangalore

stake: 60.39pts

P/L at the end of the day  -19.37pts

Total Bank at the end of the day  1993.70pts

[Click here to see 2020 Cricket Trading]


Sgt Aris