Hi Bloggers – Full Time Betting Income – Day 7 – Update

Just a quick update in that the author has clarified a question about the staking plan that will make a small change to the results in terms of the stakes used. To explain the issue, the author has been using the highest CLOSING bank at the end of each day in order to calculate the stake for the next day (using 3.5% of that closing bank). What he should have been doing was using the highest point of the bank at ANY point during the day.

As an example, on day one the closing bank at the end of betting was £205.25 which gave us a stake of £7.18 for the next day. However, after the first bet of the day the bank had reached £206.65 which is obviously higher than the closing bank for the day. On that basis, our 3.5% stake should have been £7.23 for the next day. I know that the amounts are trifling, but it is important to explain the principle. In addition, if you were using a much higher starting bank (one contributor to the forum suggested £2,000 instead of £200) then the differences would obviously be magnified.

I should just add that if you have the time to sit in front of your PC and place each bet just before the off, then the stake should be recalculated after every bet to see what is the highest point that the bank has reached. As we are using a bot to place the bets at the start of each day, we have to calculate the stake for the whole of each day.

Hope that makes sense, so you will see a small correction to the results after today – although you will hardly notice as something around 7 pence covers all of the corrections to date!

[Click here to see Full Time Betting Income…..]

Kind regards

Sgt Tony