20090805 failed stamp Simply The Best Summary

I have spoken to Benajmin Street about why the marvel plan has disappeared from sale.

He said it has sold out. I asked Benjamin why not put a SOLD sign up in so many words.

His reply was ultra defensive. I thought Benjamin was a sound contact, I obviously thought wrong. I take constructive criticism every day off my fellow associates.

I didn’t realise Benjamin was this kind of marketer, I had always thought he was OK, but even he has chosen to go down the route of peddling everyones systems and then even his own crap, Jon wanted this put in the scam section originally and im afraid I have to agree with Jon now.

This was a scam.

The review finishes today Jon so don’t waste any more time on this one. Your time is more valuable and can be better served either on something else or with your family.

As this system is no longer on sale and the website has disappeared.

Jon mentioned that this system had 2 rules. the first rule was plastered all over the website in the sales material, I have a copy of the webpage cached on my server. If you read that page you can see that they target only odds on horses. The other rule and the only other rule is to do with the number of runners, Im not going to divulge that information because it could land me in trouble, but i can say that it definately doesnt lay any odds on horses in a races with X or more starters.

I would suggest anyone who bought it contact benjamin for a refund.

A little maths question for you to lighten up the mood..

X = the square root of 144 minus how many legs a dog has, what does X =?
(This is a rhetorical question) –> a question does not require an answer…