Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 43

Golden Key Method 2 Updated

February 14th 2013

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 43

Hi Folks

Not a very good Valentines Day with both Variants recording small losses, Variant 1 minus 0.25 points and Variant 2 a loss of 0.29 points. There was quite a few selections for  only 2 meetings although the Kempton evening meeting had the lions share, the 21 selections only managed 3 winners.


Day 43 February 14th 2013

Variant 1 =  minus 0.25 points

Running Bank = 179.81 points

Variant 2 = minus 0.29 points

Running Bank = 182.21 points

Starting Bank on both is 100 points.

[Click here to see  Golden Key Method 2 Updated]


Sgt George


Sgt George Reviews  Golden Key Method 2 Updated