Favourites Phenomenon Day 9

  Hi Bloggers

    I heeded the advice in the manual and left out Cheltenham, basically it advices caution at the prestige meetings . Anyway  we had a betting day using the remaining 2 meetings and once again the first qualifying  favourite was good enough to oblige. The reason for sticking closely to the authors guidelines is that it is reducing the overall risks and controlling any losses if and when they occur.

Tuessday March 16th Day 9

1st Qualifying Race Favourite won so target of 1 point profit obtained.

Level 1     Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 9 = 107.05  points (100 points Starting Bank)

                     Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 9 = 107.05  points (100 points Starting Bank)

Level 2     Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 9 = 156.04points (150 points Starting Bank)

                     Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 9 = 156.04  points (150 points Starting Bank)

Level 3    Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 9= 206.04  points ( 200 points Starting Bank)

                   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 9 = 206.04  points (200 points Starting Bank)

                              Best Regards


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