CB Sports Investments Day 23

30th August 2013


Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments

Welcome to day 23 results. Another disappointing day

Results for August 29th.

The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of points to stake & the recommended bookmaker & odds. All bets took just 10 minutes to place at the best odds available. These didn’t differ greatly from those in the email. If better prices were available on betfair then i took those. This is the email:

Good Morning,

 We concentrate on Horse Racing today with four selections.
 2.30 FONTWELL, HOPSTRINGS, 2PT WIN @ 2.44 Betfair.
 2.50 STRATFORD, BENEFIT OF YOUTH, 2PT WIN @ 2.42 Betfair.
 3.00 FONTWELL, MAN OF LEISURE, 2PT WIN @ 1.78 Betfair.
 3.40 HAMILTON, ARGAKI, 2PT WIN @ 3.4 Betfair.
1. H/Strings              achieved      Betfair          2.30          LOST
2. B/Youth                achieved      Betfair          2.24          LOST
3. M/Leisure                ”      ”       Betfair          1.75          LOST
4. Argaki                     ”      ”       Betfair          4.30          LOST
Total points staked=  8.0
Return=      Nil

Profit/Loss=  -8.0 pts

* after commission


Starting Bank                           100 points

Profit/Loss(Total)                  -39.22 points

Bank after 23 days                 60.78 points


Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see CB Sports Investments]


Sgt Liam Reviews CB Sports Investments