Final Score Day 26

24 September 2013


Sgt Short – Reviews Final Score

Final Score – Football Betting Tips
Day 26 – 10 September 2013

Sorry we have had a few little gremlins in the works.
First we were accidentally removed from the mailing list, then Jon was not well for a few days, then the BST server burst at
the seams and had to be upgraded, then I went on a short holiday, so we have a bit of catching up to do.

All World Cup qualifiers today.
I did not actually see this sheet so I will just give you the basics.
We had 4 losers and 2 winners for a net loss of 3.6 points.

Opening Bank 256.42
Today -3.60
Closing Bank 252.82

Original Bank 200.00 (02-08-13)


Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see Final Score]


Sgt Short Reviews Final Score