Narrowing The Field Review – By James Fitzmaurice

Narrowing The Field

Ben Aitken is the sole propreitor of Narrowing The Field.

Ben Aitken’s main service is called Narrowing The Field but Ben is a niche expert in the field of The Dosage Index. So what is the Dosage Index?… Well in horse racing it can be the difference of being profitable or not as Ben Aitken proves every season. If you do not know what the dosage index is and why it is important when determining your horses chances in a race, have a read up on WIKI here…

Read On…..

To support the launch of the 5th year of his National Hunt subscription service Ben Aitken at Narrowing The Field (NTF) is giving away a clutch of excellent and informative Free National Hunt racing guides.

[**Free National Hunt GUIDES Page TAP This Link**]
The Opt In Form Is On The Right Hand Side Near The TOP
Narrowing The Field Review
Ben Aitken

Over the past few years Ben Aitken and NTF have become a familiar and well respected name in National Hunt circles. He has also become somewhat of a master at pinpointing a horses ideal conditions and knowing when to put the money down.

This was very much in evidence during the summer months on his flat site ‘Badly Drawn Horse’ (BDH) but he also kept his hand in the National hunt stuff as well whilst the flat game was at its peak.

This summer Ben of Narrowing The Field fame, tackled the increasingly difficult Summer Jumping game and produced a guide for his followers highlighting 12 horses that excel during the summer months, as well as pinpointing under which conditions they should be backed.

Following his advice and from only 21 bets his followers were able to bag +45 points profit to level stakes!

(This is a conservative figure as most of the winners were available at bigger prices in the morning, indeed 1 winner had a BFSP of 18 but was available at 40’s+ before lunchtime…).

+45 points is pretty good going for this FREE Guide Here I’d say! Producing over 100% ROI! If he is making these kinds of profits for his FREE customers… You can only imagine what paid customers receive… And I know :)…

There were also a number of placed runs in amongst the Summer Stunners squad…  (Ben’s nickname for the Summer squad!) that would have satisfied those that like having a bit of Each-Way security.

Ben is currently giving away a number of FREE racing guides right here on this link.

The most interesting for me is his ‘20 To Follow’ for the season.

Now this isn’t your standard list.


Because Ben has deliberately left out any Mullins, Henderson and Nicholls horses!

That instantly makes the list of interest for me. What’s more he has also managed to secure some exclusive trainer quotes for a couple of the horses on his list, adding even more value to this excellent FREE guide.

Grab your own copy of the NTF ‘Alternative 20 To Follow’ On the link below.



P.s. I do not send you many FREE offers. For me FREE should never mean garbage. There are products being reviewed on our BST review blog selling for £100+ which do not compare to this information.

P.p.s. Do not download these guides and leave them on your desktop. It will make you profits on its own or used in conjunction with what your already using. Add this information to your elimination process for the day.


James Fitzmaurice –  Narrowing The Field Review