Zero Risk Trader Day 65

21th October 2013


Sgt Flavell – Reviews Zero Risk Trader

Hi  readers,

Following my loss on Sunday due to the different way that betfair and Bookies treat the place bet in the case of a non runner I was particularly hesitant in placing my trades on Monday. There were many great trading opportunities in the morning but also many non runners with the poor weather threatening more to come. For this reason I decided, at least for trades generated some time before the race, to treat the trades suggested by the program as straight forward arbs on the win market. These 4 trades profited over 7.45 points showing that a totally risk free trade on the win market, whilst less profitable, is a good option and doesn’t stop the Zero Risk Trade being taken when and if you feel that the race won’t be void as described. The advantage with these arbs is that they will return a profit whatever the result where the Zero Risk Trade, frustratingly, can, and usually does, break even. So that you can judge the value of these arbs, the odds for the (bet, lay) were (12, 10), (4.33, 3.9), (21, 14.5) and (4.6, 5.5).

Two Zero Risk Trades were made but these broke even.

Odds up to 7/1  stake 10 points e/w
Odds from 15/2 to 16/1 stake 6 points e/w
Odds from 16/1 to 25/1 stake 4 points e/w
Odds from 25/1 or more stake 2  point   e/w


Date Time Course Horse Betfair lay odds profit Profit comment
 21/10/2013           95.55

carry over bank

 *profit and Bank total rounded to the 2nd decimal place.

[Click here to see Zero Risk Trader]



Sgt Flavell Reviews Zero Risk Trader