Zero Risk Trader Day 66

22nd October 2013


Sgt Flavell – Reviews Zero Risk Trader

Hi  readers,

A single winning trade made this evening returning a profit of  9.66 points. For those following my rantings about non runners and the weather, the trade was made 5 minutes before the off and there were no non runners declared.

Odds up to 7/1  stake 10 points e/w
Odds from 15/2 to 16/1 stake 6 points e/w
Odds from 16/1 to 25/1 stake 4 points e/w
Odds from 25/1 or more stake 2  point   e/w


Date Time Course Horse Betfair lay odds profit Profit comment
 22/10/2013           95.55

carry over bank

  18:10 Kempton Alfaayza 18.5 9.66 105.21  

 *profit and Bank total rounded to the 2nd decimal place.

[Click here to see Zero Risk Trader]



Sgt Flavell Reviews Zero Risk Trader