Zero Risk Trader Day 67

23rd October 2013


Sgt Flavell – Reviews Zero Risk Trader

Hi  readers,

A single winning trade made this evening returning a profit of  2.08 points. This was the only trade I saw this evening, the program may have generated others that I missed but I doubt that there were many. The number of trades and the value of these trades generated in the evening is, since I started reviewing this system, small compared to the large number available during the day. Even in the week you are spoilt for choice during the day. 

Checking the output from the Zero Risk Trader program this morning before leaving for work (at 8:10)  I noticed a couple of trades. In the past I had either found that none were generated or I had dismissed the trades because it was too long before the race. I will check again tomorrow with a view to structuring the Zero Risk Trade as an arb on the win market as discussed in earlier posts. 

Odds up to 7/1  stake 10 points e/w
Odds from 15/2 to 16/1 stake 6 points e/w
Odds from 16/1 to 25/1 stake 4 points e/w
Odds from 25/1 or more stake 2  point   e/w


Date Time Course Horse Betfair lay odds profit Profit comment
 23/10/2013           105.21

carry over bank

  18:50 Kempton Marzocco 8 2.08 107.29  

 *profit and Bank total rounded to the 2nd decimal place.

[Click here to see Zero Risk Trader]



Sgt Flavell Reviews Zero Risk Trader