The Specialist – Day 7 

Hi Bloggers

    2 selections today for the Back All resulting in one winner and a small profit on the day, overall a good first week for this part of the system. Well not much action from Being Selective part only 3 selections(2 today) in the first week and all losers so not a promising start but very early days yet.

Selections Today: April 3rd   

 Back All  2 Selections / 1 Winner at 2.78 BFSP and 2.625 ISP

 Being Selective 2 Selections (1 at 1pt and the other at 2 pts)/ No Winners

     Back All Selections (ISP) 

     P/L on the Day = + 0.63

     Running Bank after Day 7=  111.88 points (100 points Starting Bank)

      Back All Selections (BFSP) 

      P/L on the Day = + 0.69 points

      Running Bank after Day 7 = 114.31  points (100 points Starting Bank)


     Being Selective (ISP) 

     P/L on the Day = minus 3 points

      Running Bank after Day 7 = 95.00 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Being Selective (BFSP)

    P/L on the Day = minus 3 points

     Running Bank after Day 7 = 95.00 points (100 points Starting Bank)


                                          Best Regards

                                              Sgt Dave

 [ Click here for The Specialist….]