BackLucrative Introduction

19th April 2014


Sgt AdrianC Introduces BackLucrative

 BackLucrative is a back bet on horse membership club.  There are two membership types

1) £15.00 for first 30 days, then £99.00 for each 3 months or

2) £15 for first 30 days and then £297.00 for each one year

Each days qualifying bets will be posted in the members area between 10.20 and 10.30am, with a rest day on Sunday.

 No previous betting experience is necessary to begin, just an internet connection and approx. 15 minutes per day to place your bets, ideally at bet posting time and preferably using a computer as opposed to a mobile or tablet. 

With regard to staking, the web site advises using a 200 point betting bank, and betting 1 point to win on each selection. I also advise placing your bets at posting time 10.20-10.30am, taking the best available price with a BOG (best odds guaranteed) bookmaker.

For the purpose of this review, I shall place my bets slightly later during the day.

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see BackLucrative]



Sgt AdrianC Introduces BackLucrative