The Specialist

 Day 37  May 3rd

Hi Bloggers

 6 selections today 3 Back All and 3 Being Selective (All 2 pointers) the result was just one Back All winner at low odds of 2.84BFSP, on top of this as we had 3 Being Selective selections in the same race we had 3 x R/F(Exotic Bets) as well which also lost. Looks pretty grim for this system so far, must say  i am very bitterly disappointed in the Being Selective part it seemed interesting but has really never left the stall as far as this review goes.

Back All   3 Selections/ 1 Winner at 2.84 BFSP/2.75 ISP

 Being Selective 3  Selections ( 3  x 2 point) / No Winners

Exotic Bets   3x R/F/ Lost

Back All Selections (ISP) 

     P/L on the Day = minus 0.25 points 

      Running Bank after Day 37 =  80.04 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Back All Selections (BFSP)  

    P/L on the Day = minus 0.25 points 

      Running Bank after Day 37 = 90.49 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Being Selective (ISP)

    P/L on the Day = minus 6 points

    Running Bank after Day 37 = 66.05 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Being Selective (BFSP) 

   P/L on the Day = minus 6 points

    Running Bank after Day 37 = 69.91 points (100 points Starting Bank)

    Exotic Bets (Forecasts):

   P/L on the Day = minus 6 points

    Running Bank after Day 37 (CSF) = 70.81 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Running Bank after Day37(Exacta) = 69.90 points (100 points Starting Bank)


                                        Best Regards

                                           Sgt Dave

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