The Specialist

 Day 42  May 8th

Hi Bloggers

 A crazy day with  a total of 24 selections we ended up with 6 winners in all, 1 on the Back All, 5 on Being Selective prices are below, on top of this we managed to  get two winning R/F’s  one was short and the other alot longer especailly on the CSF. So we ended on the day with a reasonable profit which ever type of prices or forecast’s you used. This was a bit more like it especially from the Being Selective part, still needs another day or two like this to see some profit as 5 out of the 6 entries below are in the red.

Back All  6  Selections/1 Winner at 4.83 BFSP/4.00 ISP

 Being Selective 18 Selections (12  x 1 point, 6 x 2 point) / 5 Winners

 at 10.50,8.60, 3.77 BFSP/9.00,8.00,3.75 ISP all at 1 point,

8.80, 1.38 BFSP/7.00, 1.33 ISP both at  2 point

Exotic Bets   7 R/F/ 2 Winning R/F

Back All Selections (ISP) 

    P/L on the Day =  minus 2 points

    Running Bank after Day 42 =  68.24 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Back All Selections (BFSP) 

   P/L on the Day = minus 1.36points

    Running Bank after Day 42 = 80.86 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Being Selective (ISP)

    P/L on the Day = + 13.41 points

    Running Bank after Day 42 = 92.56 points (100 points Starting Bank)

     Being Selective (BFSP) 

    P/L on the Day = +17.42 points

    Running Bank after Day 42 = 102.28 points (100 points Starting Bank)

    Exotic Bets (Forecasts):


    P/L on the Day = +30.10 points

    Running Bank after Day 42 (CSF) = 94.91 points (100 points Starting Bank)


   P/L on the Day = + 5.50 points

    Running Bank after Day 42 (Exacta) = 69.40 points (100 points Starting Bank)


                                        Best Regards

                                           Sgt Dave

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