Hi Readers,

in this place I will trial a service named “Profit from Systems”.

The guy who sends me the selections signs as John Murdoch. The service produces a lot of selections every day and the client has to decide if to bet or not. This decision is based on the BFSP of the horse in question as follows:

  • Usually 6 or more bets per day so this service is not for those who don’t want a lot of action
  • Bets will be between 3.5 and 7 or 3.5 to 8 bfsp any bets outside the range are a no bet and therefore will not count in results.  Due to this the use of a bot is highly recommended
  • Results will always be quoted to bfsp (-5% for bf commission!)
  • Bets will be between 1pt and 3pts.  They are 1pt if they are selected by one system, 2pts if two systems and 3pts if three or more systems
  • Usually 3 or more lays per day
  • Lays will be between 3.5 and 8 bfsp any lays outside the range are a no bet and therefore will not count in results.  As previously stated the use of a bot is highly recommended
  • Results will always be quoted to bfsp (-5% for bf commission!)
  • Lays will be between 1pt and 2pts.  They are 1pt if they are selected by one system, 2pts if two or more systems

The above information is originally what I’ve received from Mr. Murdoch except the 5% for commission which I have added!

Mr Murdoch operates with 100/point; I’ve decided to give only the points here and I will start with a hypotetical bank of 1000 points each.

I’ve asked him which systems stand behind the selections, but he denied to give further information.

The trial has started already on 9th june and I will post the results since then later.

[Click here to find ProfitFromSystems…]