AWesome Racing Day 3

27th March 2017

Visit AWesome Racing
Sgt Graduate – Reviews Awesome Racing Day 3

After a very shaky start this weekend (Saturday 10 bets/1 win-Sunday No Bets) and a significant chunk of change taken out of the

bank roll,I was praying for a magical turnaround.Read on…..


So today is D-Day….as in TOTAL DISASTER!!!


We seem to be going down faster than a proverbial Led Zeppelin!

7 bets 1 win

Here are the results.


Wolverhampton 1.50 Wurwood 6/5 5pts Stan James WON

Wolverhampton 2.50 Monna Valley 13/2 5pts Bet Victor LOST

Wolverhampton 3.20 Earthly 10/3 5pts Betfair LOST

Wolverhampton 3.50 Aldreth 5/2 5pts Bet 365 LOST

Wolverhampton 4.20 Pipers Piping 12/1 5pts Bet Victor LOST

Wolverhampton 4.50 National Service 9/1 5pts Bet 365 LOST

Wolverhampton 5.20 Mr Potter 7/2 5pts Bet 365 LOST

Todays Pot = £168       1pt = £1.68

All bets today were 5pts.

5pts = £8.40     7x5pts= 58.80

Wurwood came in first at 6/5.Total Return=£18.48/Total Profit=10.08

Starting Pot (£168) – Todays Bets(£58.80) + Todays Wins (£18.48) = £127

Following the system we now divide the total by 100 = £127

So tomorrow we will be working with 1pt = £1.27

Now,I know that Systems are all about long term profit and – as I said before Betfan are a credible platform.So I will muster up whatever confidence I have left and look forward to a brighter Tuesday to match the weather.

I am looking for a solid System that I can invest in.This one is making me feel nervous already.














 I hope you enjoy the review

Sgt Graduate Reviews AWesome Racing