Anyone For Tennis Final Review
20th Marchy 2014
Sgt Geordie Reviews Anyone For Tennis
First off I would like to apologise for the length of time its taken me to write up the final review of ‘ANYONE FOR TENNIS’.The 84 day trial period actually finished in September 2013. I could give you excuses but instead I’ve gave myself a good talking to, smacked my wrist and I’m now getting the final review to you!
Product Outline
The product I have finished reviewing is ‘Anyone for Tennis’ tipping service from Stark Investors. Stark Investors have a number of services which they offer as well as the one I was reviewing. I will now go through some of the figures.
Total number of bets = 92
Number of winning bets = 51
Number of losing bets = 41
Strike Rate = 55.43%
I started of with a 50 point bank and Level staked 1 point on each bet.
Bank Start Balance = 50 points
Total P/L = 6.59 loss
Bank Final Balance = 43.41
ROI = -7.17%
So abit of a damp squid to be honest especially after all the hype and previous results recorded on their website. With regards the service there didn’t seem to be any problems with receiving the selections. They arrived everyday around lunchtime. Also along with the selections they would quote the price available. Obviously the price quoted was only upto date at that particular time and it didnt state with what bookmaker. However I didn’t see that much of a difference by the time I looked to put the bet on. Sometimes the prices had drifted slightly and sometimes they had come in slightly. Tennis didn’t seem to have big price fluctuations before a game starts.
With regards the actual selections, they were a mixture of singles, doubles and sometimes treble bets for that day. I didn’t realise that there was that much tennis played around the world and there was rarely a day when there wasnt a bet. However, many of the selections were short priced favorites. This meant that the service would require a high strike rate just to break even. The service did start well and after 29 days was up over 6 points to level stakes. Unfortunately this was not to last and the high strike rate was not maintained. This resulted in the service generally going downhill and that initial profit and more being wiped from the bank. As can be seen by the results the bank ended up 6.59 points down to level stakes.
So would I recommend this service? Based on the 84 day trial I would not and would put this service in the FAILED category.
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed the review.
[Click here to see Anyone For Tennis]