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So what if i told you that following [these 6 simple proven Steps] each day can bring in a Firefighters wage?

Well after due diligence I believe this is Info GOLD, Step 2: [Bookmaker Insider System Download]

& No you won’t get burnt either… 😉 (sorry couldn’t help add this with my Firefighters wage comment above)

Today I am sending you to a free offer and the free system in question is part of a launch which is being touted as

“The biggest yet of 2013.”

So your going to hear about Bookmaker Insider Trading from anyone worth their salt in the betting arena. And so I am going to do things a little different… We are going to do a kind of mini review on the Bookmaker Insider Trading system and maybe even take it through a full term review! I know its free right but still punters will be investing in this! We don’t review products here for monetary gain but, if we are going to write about other peoples products, you can be damn sure our site is going to receive some help towards its running costs if we direct our readers that way!

OK, so i have been all over the Bookmaker Insider Trading system with a fine comb. And in a nutshell this is what is claimed and what we will be analyzing.

±) Horse Racing Bookmaker Insider Trading System.
±) Averages 5 to 6 bets per day.
(Takes 2-3 minutes per bet)
±) Cannot be automated.
(Relies On Live graphs from
±) Used by a lot of traders on the bookie trading floors.
(Actually written by an ex-employee)
±) +3% return on bank Daily with a built in loss protection.
(What ever your bank size you can increase it by 3% Daily compounding)
±) +10% ROI
(on each trade, so £250 trade = £25 profit)
±) Has built in loss protection, so you never lose your full investment on a duff trade.
(We have worked out that trading at 1.1 the most you can lose is 31% of your trade on a duff bet)
±) It’s FREE to download (Just your email address to send it too is needed!)

If you missed it, here is Step 2: [Free Trading System Registration Form]

Bank Size Daily Profits
£100 £2.50 – £3.00
£500 £12.50 – £15.00
£1000 £25.00 – £30.00
£2000 £50.00 – £60.00
£5000 £125.00 – £150.00

Each day you reset your bank and compound your profits. Within 90 Days you can turn £100 start bank into almost £1,400 So bookmaker insider trading system is clearly for the small fish too. All you need is discipline and patience.

(I say “all you need” but it is the biggest reason for failure amongst 97% of bettors!)

We are going to be updating the blog today during racing whilst following this system. If you want to join me and Kevin here. We would love to have you. Please use the comment section below the banner.

Bookmaker Insider Trading

Live Results Will Appear Here
From 1:50 PM Race 22/10/2013!

14:53 PM

We are only looking at this from a qualifying point of view.

The first 2 races @ Yarmouth were won by outsiders so Yarmouth is not in contention today.
Lingfield – depends on 15:00 as 1st race was outsider and 2nd race won by 2nd fav…

15:08 PM

The 3rd Favourite won at lingfield and so this course is not in contention today.

15:16 PM

Exeter 15:40 will be our first qualifier of the day. We will place a £20 trade at exactly 10 minutes before the start of the race. Price matched at will be osted here shortly after we are matched.

15:31 pm

We got matched at 3.4 @£20 stake. On the Italian Yob

15:33 pm

We traded out for a loss of £2.56 🙁

 16:01 PM

We got matched at 5.0 @£20 stake. On Ray Diamond

 16:03 PM

We traded out for a loss of £1.82 🙁

That is the end of betting today as the favourite won in the 16:10pm. Good luck with this evening at Kempton. If you could post results here for readers that would be great! Not a great start… Still early days and not easy to judge but i must say I love the concept!

Live Results Will Appear Here
From 3:50 PM Race Today!

All 3 race courses have qualified today. Again using £20 stakes trading as per the PDF.

15:50 PM Worcester

profit on first @ worcester – back @ 2.80, lay @ 2.74  +£0.42 profit 🙂

16:00 PM Fontwell

loss on first @ fontwell – back @ 4.80, lay @ 5.3  -£1.89 loss :(

16:10 PM Newmarket

loss on first @ newmarket – back @ 2.28 lay @ 2.38  -£0.84 loss 🙁

 16:20 PM Worcester

profit on 2nd @ worcester – back @ 3.50, lay @ 2.90 +£3.93 profit 🙂

No more betting here as per the PDF.

16:30 PM Fontwell

profit on 2nd @ fontwell – back @ 3.70, lay @ 3.10 +£3.68 profit 🙂

Fav didn’t win so we carry on at this course…

16:40 PM Newmarket

loss on 16:45 @ newmarket – back @ 4.00 lay @ 4.50  -£2.22 loss 🙁

17:05 PM Fontwell

loss on 17:05 @ fontwell – back @ 2.36 lay @ 2.52  -£1.27 loss 🙁

17:20 PM Newmarket

loss on 17:20 @ newmarket – back @ 4.90 lay @ 5.40  -£1.85 loss 🙁

17:40 PM Fontwell

loss on 17:40 @ fontwell – back @ 4.10 lay @ 4.60  -£2.17 loss 🙁

Total loss on the day -£2.21 🙁

Starting Bank +£400

End bank +£393.41

Total Loss of £6.59. Or a loss of 1.64% which isn’t to bad at all considering its been a poor two days to test this out on.

A loss over the two days of £6.49. Not to bad considering the amount of losing trades. I see potential in the system but feel that the concept is the Nugget of Gold which should be taken from this system rather than following the staking/condition advice. Trading requires intuition and a solid apprenticeship in penny trading to gain the necessary patience and discipline required to succeed.
