Laying Autumn Profits – Final Review

Laying Autumn Profits – Final Review

Laying Autumn Profits – Final Review Rating: Our cumulative profit for Laying Autumn Profits ended up at a healthy £806.00 or 8.06 points over the period of the review. Just for the record, the system actually began on 1  September (we started this review on 25...
Soccer Overs – Final Review

Soccer Overs – Final Review

Soccer Overs – Final Review by Sgt Rich UPDATE 20TH AUGUST 2011 We have been advised by Betfan, that Soccer Overs has been withdrawn, and is no longer for sale. This was at the request of the author. Regards Gordon 4th October to 2nd January Passed –...
Format Racing Method- Final Review

Format Racing Method- Final Review

Format Racing Method- Final Review Hi Bloggers, So my 2nd failure of the week comes in the form of the ‘Format Racing Method’. I’m afraid the writing was on the wall for the Format Racing Method as early as the first week and at no time during the...
Format Racing Method- Final Review

Fisher Roulette Software – Final Review

Fisher Roulette Software – Final Review (MISERABLY!) Hi Bloggers, I think there is no need to go into anything in detail with this Fisher Roulette review summary as this trial has been very well documented throughout the last 8 weeks. As we have lost both our...
The Pointer Software -Final Review

The Pointer Software -Final Review

The Pointer Software -Final Review Rating: Apologies with the delay for the pointer software review. The pointer software will have to go into the neutral cat. Now while it did not set the world alight , it still made a profit albeit a small profit I actually liked...