JCA Racing and Gold Lay Exposed!

SCAM! I feel today it is my duty to uncover what I have found  during my diligence of JCA Racing And Gold Lay. Here we have two people, one is Colin Andrews who spent nigh on 4 hours via Skype begging me not to do what I am doing right now. And Aiden Colin’s The...
Win Bets Formula

Win Bets Formula

Betting System Truths News Good morning Constables! . Win Bets Formula are so stupid they were giving the system away for free. During my 12 point MOT which I started to finish today, I noticed they uploaded it to there images directory and we dont even need to pay...
Betfair Wizard 100% SCAM!

Betfair Wizard 100% SCAM!

. . Click On This Video Image to See My VIDEO Review of The Betfair Wizard   Once This Opens, There Is a Link Under the Video To Return to Betting SystemTruths Blog and make your Comments 😀 . .

Winning Selections – Final Review Summary

SCAM This service has been re-categorised as scam. Iain Lewington has once again up and left one of his websites leaving customers high and dry, He also never paid out on commissions owed to affiliates. This scoundrel cannot be trusted. Be careful never to give this...
The Marvel Plan – SCAM

The Marvel Plan – SCAM

I have spoken to Benajmin Street about why the marvel plan has disappeared from sale. He said it has sold out. I asked Benjamin why not put a SOLD sign up in so many words. His reply was ultra defensive. I thought Benjamin was a sound contact, I obviously thought...