Hi Bloggers – Full Time Betting Income – Day 38

Today is Friday 8th July and we had five qualifying selections:

Time   Meeting        Selection          Stake Live Odds P / L   Bank

14.15   Ascot          Poole Harbour   8.08   1.57         7.68    211.36

15.25 Ascot            Poetic Dancer    8.08   1.99         7.68   219.04

16.10 Newmarket   Thimaar             8.08   1.72        7.68    226.72

16.55 York              Extraterrestrial  8.08   2.00        7.68    234.40

18.20 Newmarket   Self Centred 8.08         1.99        7.68    242.08

All five selections lost their races so our starting bank of £200 now stands at £242.08 – a profit of £42.08 to date. Our Betfair SP bank stands at £186.84 showing a loss of -£13.16 to date for comparison.

[Click here to see Full Time Betting Income…..]

Kind regards

Sgt Tony