Daily Doubles Day 19

12th December 2016


Daily Doubles

Sgt Mangog – Reviews Daily Review

December 12th – Day 19


It’s important to point out that the odds depicted below were the BEST VALUE at the earliest opportunity….they were subject to change either way, but I have used these as a barometer for the results. I advise getting “BEST GUARANTEED ODDS” at the earliest time. This system uses 1 point per bet, unless stated otherwise.

plumpton 15.00 hit the headlines 13/2 (lost) & wolves 15.10 skilled 8/1 (lost)

The double bet lost today….

Total bets placed so far = 48

Total wins so far = 0

Total profit points so far = 0

Total spent so far = 48

Win points today = 0……….R.O.I. =  0%……….Strike Rate =  0%……….BANK =  -48 points

After nearly 3 weeks of reviewing this system, I checked whether betting E/W doubles might prove more profitable, since there’s been a few nice-priced horses in the frame, but it doesn’t. From 48 races, the reader can see no winning bets at all, however this may well be a lull period and with 9 more weeks of the review left to go, the results from those should be more conclusive overall.

A racetrack is a place where windows clean people” – Danny Thomas

[Click here to see Daily Doubles ]

Regards, Sgt Mangog

Sgt Mangog Reviews Daily Doubles