Favourites Phenomenon – Day 27

Hi Bloggers

  No betting today all levels exceeded maximum potential loss limits.

April 4th  Day 27 

       Non Betting Day due to All Levels exceeding the Maximum Potential Loss.   

  Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 27 = 113.27 points (100 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 27 = 113.21  points (100 points Starting Bank)

Level 2  

   Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 27 = 163.10 points (150 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 27= 163.05 points (150 points Starting Bank)

Level 3   

 Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 27= 213.10  points ( 200 points Starting Bank)

  Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 27 = 213.05  points (200 points Starting Bank)

                              Best Regards


[Click here to see Favourites Phenomenon….]