Favourites Phenomenon – Day 29

Hi Bloggers

  No betting today once again the maximum potential loss limits  were exceeded on all levels, i shall continue to do daily reports for this system as it would not really work on a weekly one.

 April 6th  Day 29 

    Non Betting Day due to Maximum Potential Loss  Limits Exceeded on all Levels

  Level 1

 Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 29 = 113.27 points (100 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 29 = 113.21  points (100 points Starting Bank)

Level 2  

   Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 29 = 163.10 points (150 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 29= 163.05 points (150 points Starting Bank)

Level 3   

 Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 29= 213.10  points ( 200 points Starting Bank)

  Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 29 = 213.05  points (200 points Starting Bank)

                              Best Regards


[Click here to see Favourites Phenomenon….]