Favourites Phenomenon – Day 36


Hi Bloggers

     Well we had our first losing day on all levels Level1 lost 5.93 points, Level 2 10.73 points and Level 3  23.74 points all at BFSP, so Levels 1 and 2 are still in profit, unfortunately Level 3 is not. Though this is a setback to the system review it at leasts indicates that some of the figures banded around by some in the comments are unfounded this is why the MPL is in place to keep the losses under control. I am sure that the system will bounce back from this as per the author the last loss on Level 3 was in October 2009 and that was 15 points. I did actually e-mail the author as the framework of the races today was not really suitable in my opinion for FP he has taken notice of this and will look into it, in future i shall be vigilant of days like today when i feel the race setup is not right. Anyway there is plenty of days left to get back on track.

 April 13 th  Day 36 

   All levels lost no qualifying race favourite won.  

Level 1

   Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 36 = 110.69 points (100 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 36 = 111.11 points (100 points Starting Bank)

Level 2  

   Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 36= 154.07 points (150 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 36 = 155.72 points (150 points Starting Bank)

Level 3   

 Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 36= 190.02 points ( 200 points Starting Bank)

  Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 36 = 194.36 points (200 points Starting Bank)

                              Best Regards


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