Favourites Phenomenon – Day 42

Hi Bloggers

     All Levels qualified  today and the third qualifying race produced the winner.

 April 19th  Day 42

  3rd Qualifying  Race Favourite won so target of 1 point profit obtained on All Levels

Level 1

   Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 42 = 116.73 points (100 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 42 = 117.15 points (100 points Starting Bank)

Level 2  

   Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 42= 160.11 points (150 points Starting Bank)

   Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 42 = 161.76 points (150 points Starting Bank)

Level 3   

 Cumulative P/L at ISP after Day 42= 196.06 points ( 200 points Starting Bank)

  Cumulative P/L at BFSP after Day 42 =200.40 points (200 points Starting Bank)

                              Best Regards


[Click here to see Favourites Phenomenon….]