Hi Bloggers – Full Time Betting Income – Day 36

Today is Wednesday 6th July and we had four qualifying selections:

Time     Meeting        Selection               Stake Live Odds P / L   Bank

14.20    Catterick      The Dancing Lord 8.08   1.92         7.68   193.25

15.30    Lingfield      Undulant Way       8.08   1.82          7.68  200.93

18.10    Worcester    Geneva Geyser      8.08   1.86       -6.95   193.98

20.10    Worcester     Spice Bar              8.08   1.70       -5.66   188.32

With two wins and tow losses, our starting bank of £200 now stands at £188.32 – a loss of -£11.68 to date. Our Betfair SP bank stands at £158.57 showing a loss of -£41.43 to date for comparison.

[Click here to see Full Time Betting Income…..]

Kind regards

Sgt Tony