Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 31

Golden Key Method 2 Updated

February 2nd 2013

 Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 31

Hi Folks

Not quite quite the same heights of  yesterday but still a good day for Variant 1 returning a gain of 6.45 points while Variant 2 struggled  to make 0.88 points. So In just 2 short days variant 1 has got itself a head again but only just. There was 9 winners from the 34 selections i found.


Day 31 February 2nd 2013

Variant 1 =  + 6.45 points

Running Bank = 157.56 points

Variant 2 = +0.88 points

Running Bank = 157.38 points

Starting Bank on both is 100 points.

[Click here to see  Golden Key Method 2 Updated]


Sgt George


Sgt George Reviews  Golden Key Method 2 Updated