Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 60

Golden Key Method 2 Updated

March 5th 2013

Golden Key Method 2 Updated – Day 60

Hi Folks

Not a good day Variant 1 losing 2.93 points and Variant 2 making just 0.06 points. I could only find 17 selections of  which 3 won. Must apologize for late postings i hope to catch up with things over the next day or so unfortunately the missus fell sick and is still under treatment.

Day 60  March 5th 2013

Variant 1 =  minus 2.93 points

Running Bank = 207.75 points

Variant 2 = + 0.06 points

Running Bank = 220.51 points

Starting Bank on both is 100 points.

[Click here to see  Golden Key Method 2 Updated]


Sgt George


Sgt George Reviews  Golden Key Method 2 Updated