Hat Trick Hero Review Day 74

8th July 2017






Sgt Smithy Reviews Hat Trick Hero

Thursday’s treble was unsuccessful from start to finish. A bad start with Kansas City drawing over night meant that the following baseball and tennis tip were irrelevant. The Nationals were beaten 5-2 by the braves for a second loss from the USA. Cilic was tipped to win the most games with a -5.5 game handicap against Steve Johnson in the final line. Even though he won 3-0 in sets, he could only find a margin of 5 games so it was 0 out of 3 for our treble.



Thursday‘s treble

Date Stake Odds Profit/Loss Bank
06/07/17 1 2.65 -1 38.66
Sport Match Tip Score Result
Football Kansas Vs Philadelphia Kansas to win 1-1 Loss
Baseball Nationals Vs Braves Nationals to win 2-5 Loss
Tennis Cilic Vs Steve Johnson Cilic -5.5 games 19-14 Loss

Review summary

Bets placed Bets won Strike rate P/L Bank ROI
76 25 32.89% 8.66 38.66 28.87%

Sgt Smithy Reviews Hat Trick Hero