Horse Sprint Stars Day 84

17th February 2014

 Horse Sprint Stars1 Horse Sprint Stars Day 1 to Day 11

Sgt SUPMYLO Reviews Horse Sprint Stars

So we get at day 84 that marks the end of the review.

Here are the last day result

12-11-2013 6.20 Wolverhampton  Rise To Glory 3,16 1,53 -1,00 1,01 0,01
Day 84           -1,00 1,01 0,01

Only one selection that produced one place winner.


This selection corresponds to this results:
Win: – 1,00 points
Place: + 1,01 points
Win+Place:  + 0,01 points


The totals after 84 days:
Win:  – 30,41 points
Place: + 159,36 points
Win+Place: + 128,95 points


So we are at the end with the last day where only one selection was a place winner.

Time for the final review.

Just one minute…..

 [Click here to see Horse Sprint Stars]


Sgt SUPMYLO Reviews Horse Sprint Stars