Odds On Ron – Days 45 to 46
23rd October 2012
Hi, Sgt Colin here, with the latest update on the performance of the Odds On Ron system.
I initially started with a bank of 100 points, staking 1 point per selection (using level stakes) and aiming to return c4 points per day (using the staking plan). After 44 days we were ahead by 37.3 points to level stakes, and 165.1 points using the advised staking plan.
Day 45 – 21st October
There were 5 selections today, The first selection came first, (for the third successive day) – so we stopped at a winner. 4 points won using both plans
Day 46 – 22nd October
6 more selections today. In contrast to the previous days we had to wait until the last race for a winner (or even a placed horse). 7.2 points lost to level stakes, but using the staking method we gained 1.3 points.
Updated results:
Staking Plan: Initial bank 100 Total Staked 589 points Profit 170.3 points Closing Bank 270.3 ROI 29%
Level Stakes: Initial bank 100 Total staked 191 points Profit 34.0 points Closing Bank 134.0 ROI 18%
We have achieved a 22% hit rate on win bets (28 wins), and 50% of selections have placed (or won).
See the Odds On Ron sales page here…