PAWS (Personal All Weather Selections) Day 54

2nd October 2012


Sgt Chris reviewing PAWS (Personal All Weather Selections)

Hi Bloggers,

Day 54 – 29th September 2012

Time Horse Bet Result BOG P/L BSP P/L
5:50 Dickies Lad E/W 3rd 6/1 0.2 pts 3.1 -0.52 pts

BOG Starting Bank = 100 pts    Current Bank = 142.08 pts

BSP Starting Bank = 100 pts    Current Bank = 137.69 pts

So, we have almost reached the 56 days barrier.The service has performed very well so far, and after contacting the author Allan Moore, i’m happy to confirm that the review will carry on for 84 betting days in total.

Until next time then..

[Click Here To See PAWS]

Sgt. Chris Reviewing PAWS