Picking Donkeys Final Review

9th December 2013 Picking Donkeys

Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Picking Donkeys

Failed Reviews

This Final review gives me NO pleasure in writing.

The Picking Donkeys came in 2 favours: Ultimate selection and Premium selection. The latter list was actually a sub-list of the former one, and in some days, it had no bets.

A £10 bet per each Picking Donkeys suggestion yielded a loss of £1067.50 in 8 weeks (or a loss of £532 for premium selection list).  Maybe I could lose less money if I were not too busy in 2 of the profitable days or I could place bets nearer to the race start time.  Nonetheless, it was still a tipster service that would lead to a big loss.

After week 3, I have lost trust in this service. Not only do I get tips that won the race, I also had 1 or 2 spam e-mails per week recommending other tipster services. For instance, Picking Donkeys sold “Lay of the Day” service and I have not heard anything from this list since the second successive of loss. I received only 2 e-mails.

I did expect the premium list to lose less than the Ultimate selection, as there were more no bets days 🙂

Is there anything good about this tipster?? Well, you get at least 2 e-mails every day, even though some e-mails tell you there were no bet suggestions.

I’m afraid that this service has to go down as failed.

No results were published on the website after Nov 2013.  There were some results before that but I did not follow them.

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see Picking Donkeys]


Sgt AdrianC Reviews Picking Donkeys