Power Bet Pro Review Days 4-7

7th December 2016

Power Bet Pro

Sgt Cardgambit – Reviews Power Bet Pro


End of week 1:

Certainly a scary start to say the least for but looking at their track record, a losing trend like this isn’t all that uncommon so I’m looking forward to seeing how they recover over the coming weeks. It does seem however that you will need a rather large starting bank and nerves of steel to follow through with the service. Assuming a starting bank of £2500 (in order to be able to use their compounding staking strategy), following the recommended stakes at £10/point I am now down nearly £600 after week one.

Running P&L after this post: (level stakes): -16.04pts
Running P&L after this post: (recommended stakes): -59.35pts

Running P&L from previous post (level stakes): -10.64pts
Running P&L from previous post (recommended stakes): – 38.2pts

Detailed breakdown:

Day 4 (4/12/16)
Total Bets: 5 , Wins: 0
Using level stakes: -5pts
Using recommended stakes: -20pts

Day 5 (5/12/16)
Total Bets: 4, Wins: 2, Abandoned: 1
Using level stakes: +3.9pts
Using recommended stakes: +12.55pts

Day 6 (6/12/16)
Total Bets:6, Wins: 1
Using level stakes:-4.8pts
Using recommended stakes: -14.2pts

Day 7 (7/12/16):
Total Bets: 5, Wins: 1
Using level stakes: -0.5pts
Using recommended stakes: -0.5pts

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see Power Bet Pro]

Regards, Sgt Cardgambit

Sgt Cardgambit Reviews Power Bet Pro