Racing Revolt Day 6

8th August 2013


Sgt Bill – Reviews Racing Revolt

11 selections today. 9 selections from afternoon racing at Pontefract, Newcastle and Brighton with 2 from the evening card at Kempton. 2 winning selections, 9 losing. Sadly, the net result is a loss on the day. It’s been a quite few days with very little in terms of profit or loss. However, racing revolt are still maintaining a profit and tomorrow is another day….

Today’s results and the overall Daily Profit / Loss together with a running total, taking in to consideration a 5% Betfair deduction are:

Meeting  Time Selection BFSP Result P/L
Pontefract 14.30 Tancred 3.60 Lost – 1.00
Newcastle 14.40 Attention Seeker 3.77 Lost – 1.00
Brighton 15.20 Anginola 4.70 Won + 3.52
Brighton 16.20 Al Manaal 4.40 Lost – 1.00
Pontefract 16.30 Paramour 4.34 Lost – 1.00
Brighton 16.50 Dawn Rock 5.70 Won + 4.47
Pontefract 17.00 Cara Gina 8.08 Lost – 1.00
Newcastle 17.35 Bygones For Coins 3.42 Lost – 1.00
Brighton 17.55 Our Three Graces 11.00 Lost – 1.00
Kempton 19.00 Arabian Comet 4.43 Lost – 1.00
Kempton 21.00 Vienesse Verse 9.68 Lost – 1.00

Starting Bank: 100 pts  

Profit / Loss Today Level Stakes: -1.01 pts  

Running Bank Level Stakes: 107.04pts

Running ROI: 8.59%

A winning strike rate of 18% overall after day 6.  Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

[Click here to see Racing Revolt]


Sgt Bill Reviews Racing Revolt