Smart Racing Trader Day’s 26 & 27


Sgt Howard reviews Smart Racing Trader.

Hi Bloggers,

I was unable to trade on the 1st and 2nd of March due to having to be in and out the house.

Day 26 (05/03/2012)

System 1 Smart Sequencer Trading Strategy.

No Trades.

System 2 National Hunt Flat Trading Strategy.

One Trade

Back @ 4.9

Traded @ 3.65

System 1.

Level Stakes staking plan:

Start Balance:        1000

Today’s P/L:          0.00

Running Balance:  1020.14

System 2.

Level Stakes staking plan:

Start Balance:        1000

Today’s P/L:          29.31

Running Balance:  1209.80

Day 27 (06/03/2012)

System 1 Smart Sequencer Trading Strategy.

One Trade.

Back @ 1.47

Traded @ 1.40

System 2 National Hunt Flat Trading Strategy.

One Trade

Back @ 5.5

Traded @ 4.5

System 1.

Level Stakes staking plan:

Start Balance:        1000

Today’s P/L:          3.44

Running Balance:  1023.58

System 2.

Level Stakes staking plan:

Start Balance:        1000

Today’s P/L:          17.42

Running Balance:  1227.22

On day 27 following system 1 there was potential for a second bet.  As I entered the market though the prices on the fav and 2nd fav were in the process of flip flopping and one of the rules in the system discounts the race were there is joint favs.  Therefore strictly at the time of when I entered the market mean’t no bet.


Sgt Howard reviewing Smart Racing Trader

[Click here to see Smart Racing Trader]