9 Minute System – Day 4

9 Minute System – Day 4 18th November Day 4 After three relatively unexciting days, today was the crunch day where I needed to realise the available profit and I did! This was on variants 1 & 2. Yesterday’s winner was outside variant 3’s odds...

9 Minute System – Day 3

9 Minute System – Day 3 17th November Day 3 Two qualifying races today, The same horse could be used on variants 1 & 2, but the second horse was outside the range for variant 3. One winner in the second race, so we await the first race tomorrow to see if we...

9 Minute System – Day 2

9 Minute System – Day 2 16th November Day 2 Two qualifying races today, but no winner. In order for the balances to show a profit, a winner will be needed. I spent about 10 minutes on each race. The same horse was selected for all three variants. For each race I...

9 Minute System – Day 1

9 Minute System – Day 1 15th November Day 1 I am testing the three variants offered with the system. For each variant I am starting with a balance on the Bookie account of 10 points and a balance of 90 points on the Exchange account. I will paper trade for the...

9 Minute System – Introduction

9 Minute System – Introduction Hi Constables The hardest thing about reviewing this sytem is going to be talking about it without revealing what the system is, which wouldn’t be fair to the guys who market it. This isn’t a gambling system and...