CB Sports Investments Day 12

CB Sports Investments Day 12

CB Sports Investments Day 12 19th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the twelfth day’s results. Results for August 18th. The email arrived at 10.15am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of...
CB Sports Investments Day 12

CB Sports Investments Day 11

CB Sports Investments Day 11 18th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the eleventh day’s results. Mixed results with some unlucky 2nds. Results for August 17th. The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for...
CB Sports Investments Day 12

CB Sports Investments Day 10

CB Sports Investments Day 10 17th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the tenth day’s results. An excellent day’s results. Results for August 15th. The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for the day,...
CB Sports Investments Day 12

CB Sports Investments Day 9

CB Sports Investments Day 9 16th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the nineth day’s results. No luck again today. Results for August 15th. The email arrived at 9.30am & contained the selections for the day, the...
CB Sports Investments Day 12

CB Sports Investments Day 8

CB Sports Investments Day 8 15th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the eighth day’s results. A bit of a disappointment after yesterday’s full house. Results for August 14th. The email arrived at 10.45am & contained...