CB Sports Investments Day 32

CB Sports Investments Day 32

CB Sports Investments Day 32 8th September 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to day 32 results. Results for September 7th. The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of points to stake...
CB Sports Investments Day 32

CB Sports Investments Day 31

CB Sports Investments Day 31 7th September 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to day 31 results. Results for September 6th. The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of points to stake...
CB Sports Investments Day 32

CB Sports Investments Day 30

CB Sports Investments Day 30 6th September 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to day 30 results. Results for September 5th. The email arrived at 9.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of points to stake...
CB Sports Investments Day 32

CB Sports Investments Day 29

CB Sports Investments Day 29 5th September 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to day 29 results. Results for September 4th. The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of points to stake...
CB Sports Investments Day 32

CB Sports Investments Day 28

CB Sports Investments Day 28 4th September 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to day 28 results. Results for September 3rd. The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of points to stake...