CB Sports Investments Day 17

CB Sports Investments Day 17

CB Sports Investments Day 17 24th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the seventeenth day’s results. Results for August 23rd. The email arrived at 11.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of...
CB Sports Investments Day 17

CB Sports Investments Day 16

CB Sports Investments Day 16 23rd August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the sixteenth day’s results. Results for August 22nd. The email arrived at 10.00am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of...
CB Sports Investments Day 17

CB Sports Investments Day 15

CB Sports Investments Day 15 22th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the fifteenth day’s results. Results for August 21st. The email arrived at 10.30am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of...
CB Sports Investments Day 17

CB Sports Investments Day 14

CB Sports Investments Day 14 21st August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the fourteenth day’s results. Results for August 20th. Good Morning, We have a rare occurrence today as we have no selections. We simply cant find anything...
CB Sports Investments Day 17

CB Sports Investments Day 13

CB Sports Investments Day 13 20th August 2013   Sgt Liam – Reviews CB Sports Investments Welcome to the thirteenth day’s results. Results for August 19th. The email arrived at 9.30am & contained the selections for the day, the recommended number of...