Soccer4mula Days 3 and 4

Soccer4mula Days 3 and 4

Soccer4mula Days 3 and 4 8th March 2014   Sgt Colin Reviews Soccer4mula Not a great first couple of days for the review, and Day 3 saw no bet. Back to two sets of Lucky 15 selections on Day 4 (7th March) – and we had a disastrous day, with all 8 selections going...
Soccer4mula Days 3 and 4

Soccer4mula Day 2

Soccer4mula Day 2 6th March 2014   Sgt Colin Reviews Soccer4mula The 2nd day of the review again saw two Lucky15 bets, of 4 selections. The first selections had 2 winners @ 16/5 and 17/11, but we lost 1.1 points The next bet drew a complete blank – no winners at...
Soccer4mula Days 3 and 4

Soccer4mula Day 1

Soccer4mula Day 1 4th March 2014   Sgt Colin Reviews Soccer4mula The first day of the review saw two Lucky15 bets, of 4 selections. The first selections had only a single winner @ 5/4, and despite the loser bonus, we  lost 12.5 points. However, we had 2 winners and a...
Soccer4mula Days 3 and 4

Soccer4mula Introduction

Soccer4mula Introduction 4th March 2014   Sgt Colin Introduces Soccer4mula Hi Sgt Colin here again with another review, this time a W.I.N distributed product called Soccer4mula. This is a football tipping service which utilises the Lucky 15 bets offered by most...