Win Bet Profits Day 35

Win Bet Profits Day 35

Win Bet Profits Day 35 9th December 2013   Sgt Short – Reviews Win Bet Profits Win Bet ProfitsDay 35 – 8 Dec 13 Only 2 out of 8 today, and another small loss.  Here are the details: 3 points each Time Course Name Odds Decimal Result Profit 12:55 Kelso...
Win Bet Profits Day 35

Win Bet Profits Day 34

Win Bet Profits Day 34 9th December 2013   Sgt Short – Reviews Win Bet Profits Win Bet ProfitsDay 34 – 7 Dec 13 3 out of 8 again today, but not enough for a profit.  Here are the details: 3 points each Time Course Name Odds Decimal Result Profit 12:30...
Win Bet Profits Day 35

Win Bet Profits Day 33

Win Bet Profits Day 33 8th December 2013   Sgt Short – Reviews Win Bet Profits Win Bet ProfitsDay 33 – 6 Dec 13 Only 3 out of 8 today, and 2 of them very skinny.  Here are the details: 3 points each Time Course Name Odds Decimal Result Profit 14:30...
Win Bet Profits Day 35

Win Bet Profits Day 32

Win Bet Profits Day 32 6th December 2013   Sgt Short – Reviews Win Bet Profits Win Bet ProfitsDay 32 – 5 Dec 13 Back in profit today, with 5 winners out of 8. The other 3 were all 2nd.  Here are the details: 3 points each Time Course Name Odds Decimal...
Win Bet Profits Day 35

Win Bet Profits Day 31

Win Bet Profits Day 31 5th December 2013   Sgt Short – Reviews Win Bet Profits Win Bet ProfitsDay 31 – 4 Dec 13 Only 2 winners out of 8 today, and a substantial loss.  Here are the details: 3 points each Time Course Name Odds Decimal Result Profit 12:50...